To My Sistahs


Sometimes the beloved Goddess, with golden locks, full breasts, and flowing garments grows a mustache and a hairy mole and a long, beaky nose. She hoists her little cottage up on chicken legs and runs cackling and clucking into the night.

Sometimes the fairy godmother is nothing but a con artist.

Sometimes, perhaps, Cinderella needs to trade in the fancy up-do for inner sovereignty.

Sometimes Mother Nature provides the sweetest nectar in the daintiest of flowers. And sometimes she provides the pungent effluvia of hot bodies. Who taught you they were different?

Sometimes the craggy old witch and the slithering snake are the best allies.

Sometimes we should take the apple. Bite it. Go ahead. I dare you.

Sometimes innocence must be exchanged for something more fierce, more nourishing.

Tonight is Halloween. Put your masks on, ladies. Or better yet, take them off.

8 responses to “To My Sistahs

  1. I know I’m not exactly technically-speaking in your target audience tonight, but I much enjoyed pretending. If you can see through one mirage, why not another?


  2. Mask off, apple in hand, traveling the road of authenticity with you – how could I have ever thought a mask was more interesting than the naked reveal? You poetess! My Halloweens have become quiet, I do like that, but it gives me a smile to imagine my sistahs out there wrestling kids into costumes and negotiating candy windfalls before falling into bed! xo! m

    • Ms. Marga, she who is so beautiful beneath the mask! I feel like you may have been watching me this Halloween with your stellar accuracy depicting my night! I was feeling a bit sassy writing this, just a bit of fun and veil shaking at its thinnest! Perhaps I made a few tears…

  3. Amanda

    I happened to have been wearing a lovely black, witchy hat while reading this. It was quite fun to play the dark side. Shadows and light. Shadows and light….:)

  4. Hats on! Masks off! Brooms at the ready! (Mine smells of cinnamon.) As we fly, I see that through the dark, the light finds itself. 🙂

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